Meet Turkey's first digital supermodel duo: Trinity and Sui. Every detail of their face, body, and image was painstakingly developed utilizing 3D design technology until her creator, Şaasım Adalı, was convinced that she had reached absolute perfection. Sui is your online astrologer. She also has her own Instagram account, which she calls @su.daily. (Stay tuned!) Trinity is a supermodel with short hair, and she has a lot of it.
Sudi Etuz's 3D collection design is becoming more sustainable. There will be no waste, a less carbon footprint, and everything will be done digitally. 3D Garments are a revolutionary and non-toxic design method. By reducing sample waste, those who can support a carbon-free production process. Sudi Etuz designs garments carefully in 3D. It's a new way of dressing, and Şansım Adalı is excited to take on the next challenge.
Is the traditional definition of beauty, which has recently shaken the fashion industry, a barrier for avatar models? What impact would these artificial models with flawless facial characteristics and “normal” body proportions have on the fashion industry? Because what you see is a fictional figure from the fantasy world, some people believe it is less damaging than retouched photos. We're much less likely to compare ourselves to it than we are to any actual model. To make avatar models more lifelike, imperfections that a photographer must remove or edit in fashion shots are re-added. To put it another way, avatar models have been made more flawed in order to effectively resemble real models. Therefore, we may view this as an excellent place to start in order to demolish the world's typical concept of beauty.
3D fashion design is a significant step forward for the fashion business. The digital revolution is on its way, and there is surely a light at the end of the tunnel.
Author: Zeynep Gür